Welcome Address by
Dr. V. K. Garg
Former Chairman
Power Finance Corporation -
Theme Address by
Mr. Anil Razdan
Former Secretary Power, Govt. of India &
Chairman, Energy And Environment Foundation -
Release of Background Paper
Guest-of-Honour by
H.E. Mr. Moe Kyaw Aung
Ambassador of Republic of the Union of Myanmar -
H.E. Mr. El Hadji Ibou Boye
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of the Senegal -
Award Distributions by the Chief Guest
Energy And Environment Foundation
“Global Excellence Awards 2019”
in Renewable Energy, Water Sector -
Chief Guest
Dr. Upendra Tripathy
Director General
International Solar Alliance -
Vote of Thanks by
Dr. Anil Garg
World Renewable Energy Technology Congress