DAY 1 |
FRIDAY 21 August 2015 |
08h45 - 09h45 |
Registrations and Welcome Coffee / Tea |
10h00 - 11h00 |
(Main Auditorium) |
Welcome Address by
Dr. Satish B. Agnihotri
Former Secretary MNRE, Government of India
Chairman Steering Committee, 6th WRETC & Expo-2015 |
Address by
Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee
Senior Programme Specialist, Natural Sciences UNESCO New Delhi |
Dr. Balvir S. Tomar
Founder Chancellor & Chairman NIMS University |
Industry Address by
Mr. Kerry Adler
President and CEO SkyPower, Canada |
Special Address by
Dr. J.C. Sharma
Economic Advisor Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India |
Address by the Guest-of-Honour
H.E. Mr. Nadir Patel
High Commissioner for Canada to India |
Introduction of Hon'ble Minister by Mr. Kerry Adler, President and CEO, SkyPower, Canada |
Release of Background Paper prepared by EMPI Institute |

Award Distribution by the Chief GuestEnergy And Environment Foundation "Global Excellence Awards 2015" in Renewable Energy Sector |
Inaugural Address by the Chief Guest
Mr. Gireesh B. Pradhan
Chairperson Central Electricity Regulatory Commission |
Vote of Thanks by
Dr Anil K Garg
President World Renewable Energy Technology Congress |
11h00 - 11h30 |
11h30 - 13h00 |
Renewable Energy 2030 and Beyond
(Main Auditorium) |
Chairperson |
Dr. Satish B. Agnihotri
Former Secretary MNRE, Government of India
Chairman Steering Committee, 6th WRETC & Expo-2015 |
Key Speakers
Mr. Markus Steigenberger
Deputy Executive Director/Head of European Energy Cooperation Agora Energiewende, Germany |
Mr. Ashish Khanna
Chief Executive Officer Tata Power Solar |
Mr. Sumant Sinha
Chairman & CEO ReNew Power |
Mr. Sunil Jain
CEO & ED Hero Future Energies Pvt. Ltd. |
Mr. Vineet Mittal
Vice Chairman Welspun Renewables Energy Pvt. Ltd. |
Mr. Pashupathy Gopalan
President, Asia Pacific and Sub-Saharan Africa SunEdison |
Mr. Kerry Adler
President and CEO SkyPower, Canada |
13h00 - 14h00 |
14h00 - 15h30 |
PLENARY SESSION - II Financing RE Projects: A Way Forward
(Main Auditorium) |
Chairpersons |
Dr. V. K. Garg
Former Chairman JERC for Goa and Union Territories |
Key Speakers
Mr. Bhaswar (Joy) Chatterjee
Managing Director Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., USA |
Mr. Daanish Varma
Associate Director, Investment Banking YES BANK Ltd. |
Mr. Sanjeev Gupta
Managing Director NEXGEN Financial Solutions Pvt. Ltd. |
Mr. Sushil Verma
Managing Director & Head of Asia Pacific GE Energy Financial Services, USA |
Mr. Praveen P. Kadle
Managing Director & CEO Tata Capital Ltd. |
15h30 - 16h00 |
16h00 - 17h30 |
Renewable Regulatory Issues – Road Map
(Main Auditorium) |
Chairperson |
Mr. U. N. Panjiar
Chairman Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission |
Key Speakers
Mr. S. K. Chaturvedi
Chairman JERC for state Goa & Union Territories |
Mr. A. K. Jain
Managing Director Rajasthan Electronics & Instruments Ltd. |
18h30 – 20h00 |
Annual Meeting of International Advisory Council on Renewable Energy |
DAY 2 |
SATURDAY 22 August 2015 |
09h30 - 11h00 |
"Smart Cities - Mission to Reality"
(Main Auditorium) |
Chairpersons |
Dr. Satish B. Agnihotri
Former Secretary MNRE, Government of India
Chairman Steering Committee, 6th WRETC & Expo-2015 |
Key Speakers
Dr. Rahul Tongia
Tech. Advisor, Smart Grid Task Force Government of India |
Dr. Chandan Chowdhury
Managing Director Dassault Systèmes |
Ms. Sheetal Rakheja
Managing Partner AEON Design & Development |
Mr. Rajiv Khanna
Principal Architect and Director RKAPL, Studio KIA |
Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi
Hon'ble Member of Parliament Government of India |
Release of Coffee Table Book on "Green Earth Beyond 2050" |
Dr. Anil K. Garg
President World Renewable Energy Technology Congress & Expo |
11h00 - 11h30 |
11h30 - 13h00 |
"Developing Solar Industry - Key Challenges to Make-in-India"
(Main Auditorium) |
Chairpersons |
Dr. Gustav R. Grob
Founder-President of ISEO Geneva, Switzerland |
Dr. Bharat Bhargava
Director General ONGC Energy Centre |
Key Speakers:
Mr. Kishor Nair
Chief Operating Officer Welspun Renewables |
Mr. Anand Kumar
Vice President Waaree Energies Ltd. |
Mr. Kannan Tinnium
Technology Leader - Electrical Technologies & Systems GE Global Research,
John F. Welch Technology Centre, Bangalore |
Mr. Kunal Pragati
Head Business Vikram Solar |
11h30 - 13h00 |
Thought Leadership Summit—Special Interactive Group Meeting (by Invitation)
"Skill Development & Capacity Building in Renewables Energy"
(Hall–I, First Floor) |
Chair & moderator: |
Dr. Praveen Saxena
Former Advisor MNRE, Government of India CEO, Skill Council for Green Jobs |
Dr. Balvir S. Tomar
Founder Chancellor & Chairman NIMS University |
Mr. Kuldeep Chandra
Former ED (R&D) ONGC |
Mr. Pranav R. Mehta
Chairman National Solar Energy Federation of India |
Dr. T. Harinarayana
Director GERMI, Gujarat |
Dr. Usha Bajpai
Coordinator, M Sc (Renewable Energy) Programme University of Lucknow |
Ms. Deepali Khanna
Senior Associate Director The Rockefeller Foundation, Bankgok |
Prof. Ms. Natalie West Kharkongor
IIM Shillong, Guwahati |
Prof. (Dr.) Yogender Kumar Yadav
Director General
Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy (SSS-NIBE) |
Dr. N. P. Singh
Former Advisor & Senior Consultant, MNRE Government of India |
13h00 - 14h00 |
14h00 - 15h30 |
"Wind, Energy Storage and Microgrids"
(Main Auditorium) |
Chairperson: |
Dr. N. P. Singh
Former Advisor & Senior Consultant, MNRE Government of India |
Key Speakers:
Mr. Prashanth Gururaja
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
Faculty of Science and Technology
Prince of Songkla University, Thailand |
Mr. Rajarshi Sen
Director & CEO Luminous Renewable Energy Solutions (P) Ltd. |
Mr. Vinay Bajaj
Chief Manager-Marketing for Active Power Systems & Energy Storage Solutions Siemens Ltd.
Col. CPS Pasricha
Corps of Engineers
VSM, Indian Army |
Dr. Vincenzo Antonucci
Research Manager, National Research Council of Italy Institute of Advanced Energy Technologies, Italy
15h30 - 16h00 |
16h00 - 17h30 |
"Bio-Energy - Biomass - Biofuels"
(Main Auditorium)
Chairpersons |
Mr. A. K. Dhussa
Former Advisor, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Government of India |
Key Speakers:
Mr. Ramesh Chivukula
Director (Technical) AREVA Renewable Energies |
Mr. Parikshit Dhingra
Head - Public Affairs & Communications Novozymes South Asia |
Prof. Arvind M. Lali
Professor Head, Center of Energy Biosciences Institute of Chemical Technology |
Mr. P.S. Nageshwar Rao
Vice President
Organic Recycling Systems Pvt. Ltd. |
Prof. (Dr.) Yogender Kumar Yadav
Director General Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy (SSS-NIBE) |
16h00 - 17h30 |
"Energy Efficiency & Conservation"
(Hall-I, First Floor) |
Chairperson: |
Mr. Stéphane POUFFARY
CEO & Founder Honorary President NGO ENERGIES 2050, France |
Key Speakers:
Mr. Krister Thulin
Director-Pre Sales & Marketing Scania CV India |
Mr. Virender Kumar Gupta
Chief Manager (Renewables) International Copper Association India |
Prof. B. K. Choudhury
MNRE Empanelled NLESTPs, Department of Energy Management IISWBM, Kolkata |
Prof. Dr. S. G. Venkatasubramanian
Prof. (Environmental Law And Management)
Centre For Environmental Studies
Anna University, Chennai
19h00 - onwards |
Cultural Programme & Gala Dinner
at "Air Force Auditorium & Lawn", Subroto Park, New Delhi
DAY 3 |
SUNDAY 23 August 2015 |
09h30 - 11h00 |
Solar Rooftop Policy and Emerging Opportunities (Achieving 40GW of Rooftop Solar by 2022)
(Main Auditorium) |
Chair & Moderator: |
Dr. Satish B. Agnihotri
Former Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Government of India |
Dr. Winfried Damm
Director Indo-German Energy Programme GIZ |
Mr. Rakesh Kacker
Director India Habitat Centre |
Mr. Deepak Khetarpal
Principal Consultant PwC |
Mr. Ashish Agarwal
Head Solar Business Hero Future Energies |
11h00 - 11h30 |
11h30 - 13h00 |
"Renewable Energy: The Road Ahead"
(Main Auditorium) |
Chairperson: |
Dr. V. K. Garg
Former Chairman JERC for Goa and Union Territories |
Key Resource Persons:
Dr. Gustav R. Grob
Founder-President of ISEO, Geneva, Switzerland |
Mr. Pranav R. Mehta
Chairman National Solar Energy Federation of India |
Dr. Dolf Gielen
Director, Innovation and Technology Centre IRENA, Germany |
Dr. Manoranjan Sharma
Chief Economist and General Manager Canara Bank, Delhi |
Mr. Ajay Durrani
Managing Director Bayer MaterialScience Pvt. Ltd. |
Mr. Markus Steigenberger
Deputy Executive Director/Head of European Energy Cooperation Agora Energiewende, Germany
Mr. Vinayak Marathe
Sr. Vice President Reliance Industries Ltd. |
Dr. Ramesh Jalan
Resource Person & Moderator, Climate Change Community UNDP |
13h00 - 14h00 |
14h00 - 15h00 |
Award Distribution by the Chief Guest
Energy And Environment Foundation "Global Excellence Awards 2015" in Renewable Energy Sector
(Main Auditorium) |
Welcome Address by
Dr. Satish B Agnihotri
Former Secretary MNRE, Government of India
Chairman Steering Committee, 6th WRETC & Expo-2015
Address on Sustainability by
Mr. Pradeep Chaturvedi
Vice President World Environment Foundation |
Address by
Mr. Markus Steigenberger
Deputy Executive Director/Head of European Energy Cooperation Agora Energiewende, Germany |
Dr. Balvir S. Tomar
Founder Chancellor & Chairman NIMS University |
Dr. Dolf Gielen
Director, Innovation and Technology Centre IRENA, Germany |
Dr. Gustav R. Grob
Founder-President of ISEO Geneva, Switzerland |
Mr. Stéphane POUFFARY
CEO & Founder Honorary President NGO ENERGIES 2050, France
Mr. K. S. Popli
CMD Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd. |
Valedictory Address by the Chief Guest
Ms. Gauri Kumar
Secretary (C&PG), Cabinet Secretariat Govt. of India
Vote of Thanks
Dr. Anil K. Garg
President World Renewable Energy Technology Congress & Expo |
15h00 onwards |