Ternary eutectic fatty acid like capric-myristic-palmitic acid (CA-MA-PA) mixtureas PCM was prepared with various solar pre-treated exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets. This includes two Nature of graphite like flake & amorphous, first they undergone Carburization by solar concentration on Fresnel lens and then exfoliating of flake graphite by solar irradiation (xGnP-s), microwave irradiation (xGnP-m) and exfoliating of amorphous graphite by microwave irradiation (xGnP-mA).Thermal conductivity of increased from 0.149 W/mK to 0.195 W/mK on 10 % xGnP-m. Latent heat increased was increased by for 5% xGnP-s, whereas moderate by 10 % xGnP-m. CA-PA-MA + 10% xGnP-m has good potential for LHTES.
Keywords: Carburization, Exfoliated Graphite Nanoplatelets (xGnP), Fresnel lens, Thermal Properties, Thermal energy storage property.