Rajavel. V 1, Dr. S. Ganapathy Venkatasubramanian2
Anna University


The ever-increasing energy prices, acute energy shortage, forever widening and supply gap, efficiency and conservation measure have gained importance in the recent years. Hospital buildings are using huge energy and the energy saving possibilities is expected to be substantial. This project involved an energy auditing with view to enhance the existing energy efficiency level in the Chengalpattu Medical College Hospital (CMCH), Chengalpattu. Energy Auditing is a systematic study of existing energy consumption pattern and to suggest suitable measures for improving energy efficiency. During the energy audit, a complete survey of power consumption in the Chengalpattu Medical College Hospital (CMCH) was carried out. Audit was conducted for Lighting, Fans, Air Conditioners, Computers, Medical Laboratory Equipments, DG Sets, Motors and their power consumption pattern was determined. Energy conservation measures were suggested for minimizing the power consumption in the CMCH Campus. By implementing the measures, there exists not only scope to save power and money but also conserves our Environment. Implementation of the measures suggested would mitigate about 1,11,565 kg of Carbon dioxide emissions, annually in the region. There is a wide scope to conserve energy and environment by conducting energy audit. When this kind of energy audit is conducted all over India, we can imagine the amount of money that can be saved and decreased environmental damage. Thus energy conserved is energy conserved is energy produced. So this audit not only conserves energy but also produces energy.

Corresponding Author :

Rajavel. V1, Dr. S. Ganapathy Venkatasubramanian2

Anna University, Chennai
  • C-Wet
  • Petrotech
  • Smart Energy
  • Energy Sector
  • India Energy Sector
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